Want to convert time duration in seconds to time duration in format HH:MM:SS

Hello, I am using data from fit files where workout duration is define in seconds
when I import it to a table panel


I have the value which is showned in timestamp format 1970-01-01 01:00:22.184 (so the result is wrong)
how can I have it in HH:MM:SS format with hours that could be greater than 24?
I tried

		CAST((sum((data->'fields'->'total_elapsed_time'->>'raw_value')::int)/ 1000)/3600 as varchar(2)),
		CAST(((sum((data->'fields'->'total_elapsed_time'->>'raw_value')::int)/ 1000)%3600)/60 as varchar(2)),
		CAST(((sum((data->'fields'->'total_elapsed_time'->>'raw_value')::int)/ 1000)%3600)%60 as varchar(2))
) 	as duration

which work but I can not calculate the result like giving a total in the table panel

Welcome @SoaresDaniel

If you can return the data in seconds, then you can use this override to get it to display in HH:MM:SS.

hello grant2 thank you