Variable query error using Flux datasource (InfluxDB v2)

I am trying to pull bucket list from InfluxDB v 2.0 as a variable in Grafana 7.1.3.

|> rename(columns: {“name”: “_value”})
|> keep(columns: [“_value”])

On Grafana 6.5 same thing is working fine but with 7.1.3 ! I’m getting errors (below)

Template variables could not be initialized: Cannot create property ‘executedQueryString’ on string ‘<!doctype html>InfluxDB 2.0

Cannot create property ‘executedQueryString’ on string ‘<!doctype html>InfluxDB 2.0

Below are two examples of same thing wokring in Grafana 6.5 and InfluxDB data explorer

Looks like there is a ticket open about this problem
InfluxDB: support flux queries in template variables