Unable to find options in DataTable Panel


I am new to Grafana and trying to set up my 1st dashboard…I am connecting to elasticsearch index and pulling data in datatable panel…

I was able to pull up the data and view it…

However, below is my concern

  1. The panel displays only certain number of rows even though I select data from the last on week. What needs to be done to fix this ??

  2. I tried to install Data table panel from : Datatable Panel plugin for Grafana | Grafana Labs and it was successfully done. Is this panel different from the one that is available by default ? on the above link, I can see screenshots which talk about Data Table panel under options tab…However, I cannot find these on my home page…Where can I find these ?

Any help on this is appreciated…I am new to Grafana and started using only few days ago…


I was able to fix the second point…The issue was that I installed plugin to a custom location…
Then tried to install it under grafana/data/plugins

Then it started to show up…