Okay i found two solution. First one this:
You can use it if you keep using InfluxQL
If you want to use Flux here is my configuration
Query Language: Flux
URL: http://localhost:8086
Acces: Server (default)
Whitelisted coockies: (don't touch)
(don't touch)
Custom HTTP Headers
Header: Authorization
Value: Token aaabbbcccc
(the aaabbbccc is the token you find in Data > Tokens admin's Token, I think it is possible to create another member to secure the acces)
Organization: the_name OR the_id (it doesn't really matter)
Token: (same token who was given in value without the word Token in front)
Default Bucket doesn't matter
If you want to find you the error you have. Press F12 check console.
Normally you will have something like
Failed to load ressource:... 400 (Bad Request)
Influx error > {data ...}
you can clic on data, then error to see the error reason that influxdb is returning you.
Then, to find out which value is wrong you can use influx CLI:
I use it to try and find out my mistake.
Good luck and have a nice day !
(sorry for the english mistakes)