$__timeFilter time shifting

Grafana v10.4.2, mySQL database, Grafana table visualization, UTC timestamp in database.

I have a problem. When I use time picking and a simple query the result doesn’t contain the data of first 2 hours. Time picking is 13h and data are selected from 15h.
I’d need data from 13h as I selected. What is the problem?

In this case the time picker is in local time: UTC+2h

When I change it to UTC, The time looks good (in spite of changed time picker) but ID and value did not changed only the time was moved by 2 hours back. And it is of course not good becase in the database 15h time belongs to ID 17.961.

Please help

This is the query:

Zeit as Time,
FROM emspressiggas.$Energy_sensor 
where $__timeFilter(Zeit) 
Order by Zeit