Time series graph based on Start and End Time

I have a grafana dashboard created using infinity dashboard using UQL query. I need to create time series graph based on 2 columns “Start Time” and “End Time”. I need the graph to go to 1 based on “Start Time” and come back to zero at “End Time”. Can this be done using UQL queries?

Sample data:
system,Start Time,End Time
abc,30-10-2024 04:10,30-10-2024 17:45
xyz,30-10-2024 12:14,30-10-2024 17:49
abc,30-10-2024 12:14,30-10-2024 17:49

For now, below is the query I am using which will only give time series graph based on Start Time:
parse csv
pivot count(“Start Time”), “Start Time”, “System”

Hi @ritheshms7

As much as I love the Infinity datasource, UQL is challenging and since you are working with what appears to be a simple CSV, do you have any options to take that table and put it into something like Google Sheets, and then perform some transformations (either in Google Sheets or in Grafana)?

Does this CSV change often?