Time series chart visualisation dont match the source table data

Hallo colleaques

I am having problem with Grafana time series visualisation

my source data are SQL then I have there temperature data each minute

I have SQL query and when I see it in table view it looks OK.

But timeseries chart view looks strange and one value is not matching.

can you pls advise what can be reason ?
EDIT-> I just spotted that the problem table view shows real date-time as in source data

but timeseries chart is not showing last 2 hours, because they are shifted 2 hours ( my timezone is +2h UTC)

source data are already in my timezone …so probably I need to fix the query …but not sure how


thank you for reply, tomas

thank you,

my colleaque helped me and we adjusted it like this …but will try also with your way

DATEDIFF(SECOND,‘1970-01-01’, DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()),datetime)) as time,

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