Hello, why realtime data showing in the time series panel is different and data showing in table is different. When i am executing the same query in sql server, it is showing same data as table panel but the data showing in time series panel and other panels are different. Can anyone help me to understand this?
Can you please share screen shots of what the difference is?
Also what version of grafana and what data source
Why the timeshown in table is different but the data is correct?
I have executed the same query in sql server the data is correct but the time is not in table and in timeseries panel it is not showing the data as per the timestamp
it is grafana 9.3.1 version and the data source is ms sql server and i am beginner in grafana so can you tell me which grafana version will be easier for me?
Is your datetime stamp UTC?
yes, i have set it to default utc
Please post the schema of the table?
Create table
I haven’t created table the data is directly coming from server it’s live data
Please provide table schema with column names and data type
I figuered out the actual problem, my database has utc, and grafana is by default set to utc i changed, the default time as per my zone but it’s still ahead of my default time what should i do in this condition?
my local time is 5.30 ahead of UTC, i tried all the settings of grafana but it is set to utc only. So it was taking 5.30 ahead of utc so i reduced the time in my query and the issue was resolved but when i am trying to filter time it is not working can you help me out in it?
DATEADD(MINUTE, -330, timestamp) as ‘time’,
u_dc_v as ‘Specific Yield(KWh)’,
e_day_kwh as ‘Generation Export(GWH)’,
u_ac1_v as ‘Revenue Gain(R)’,
u_ac2_v as ‘Performance Ratio(%)’
from SGIVBR.dbo.oem_gisel_mervadar_scdata_15mins
order by timestamp desc;
this is my query how to apply where filter in that?
i did try to apply where filter but it is not syncing with current time…
thats what i did,
DATEADD(MINUTE, -330, timestamp) as ‘time’,
u_dc_v as ‘Specific Yield(KWh)’,
e_day_kwh as ‘Generation Export(GWH)’,
u_ac1_v as ‘Revenue Gain(R)’,
u_ac2_v as ‘Performance Ratio(%)’
from SGIVBR.dbo.oem_gisel_mervadar_scdata_15mins
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN DATEADD(MINUTE, -330, ‘2022-12-27T21:35:42Z’) AND DATEADD(MINUTE, -330, ‘2022-12-28T03:35:42Z’)
order by timestamp desc;