The contact point of alerting was deleted automatically

The contact point of alerting was deleted automatically and after some time.
I am using the free version for alerting and my created contact point and template have been deleted after some time. is there any way to fix that??

welcome to the :grafana: community @adarshtiwari

you could try to call the following API endpoint to verify there is anything left in your local install


still not resolved.
[{“uid”:“XtzQ6EfVk”,“name”:“CPU Alert “,“type”:“slack”,“settings”:{“text”:“Alert summary:\n{{ template "mymessage" . }}”,“url”:”[REDACTED]”},“disableResolveMessage”:false}]

I am getting the above message after calling api endpoint.

what Grafana version and what operating system are you using?

have you upgraded Grafana from an older version. If so, please specify which one.

that’s one contact point. You are missing more of them right?

i am using free version for that.
grfana version- * [v9.4.0-beta1 (1b0f5f0a81)]
os- mac
still i am facing same issue.


which Alertmanager have you selected in the drop down ? The contact points are listed PER alert manager - so if you changed the alertmanager and did not realize it, you might not be seeing the contact points in the UI.

When I am using its working fine for 1 day or sometime time more than that but after that, i don’t know how the contact points have deleted.

ex:- The above contact points’ cpu alert will be deleted after some time and both the templete will also be deleted.

are you running Grafana directly on macOS, or is it running on a container?

have you migrated from an older version of Grafana. If so from which one?

If it was a mgiration related issue, you could try what’s suggested here (disabling Grafana Alerting, starting it, then reenable Grafana Alerting and start Grafana again)

are you running Grafana directly on macOS- yes (on brave browser)
have you migrated from an older version of Grafana?-- no

in the above screenshot if I will create a new contact point except for CPU alert then that will delete is just a few hours and the conatct point will also going to delete
but if i edit current cpu alert(previously it was for email but when i change it with slack notification it work for >=1 day at least)