Templating [namespace] Error updating options: e.replace is not a function

Hi All,
Please I need advice on fixing these errors.
I’m noticing these errors in grafana dashboard when importing these jason files (source # flux2/manifests/monitoring/monitoring-config/dashboards at main · fluxcd/flux2 · GitHub)

Template variable service failed e.replace is not a function
Templating [namespace]

Error updating options: parse error at char 1: vector selector must contain label matchers or metric name

Grafana version is

  • Grafana v7.3.7 (1e261642f4)


welcome to the :grafana: forum, @reppakayala

those json files imported without error for me. I was using Grafana 8.5.5

Thank you @mattabrams.
Actually, I am facing this issue and due to the reason, it’s not working.

Any idea/ hint to fix this issue, please?

Helm upgrade failed: failed to create resource: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook “prometheusrulemutate.monitoring.coreos.com”: Post “https://prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator.metrics.svc:443/admission-prometheusrules/mutate?timeout=10s”: no endpoints available for service “prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator”

All these issues are fixed.

The grafana dashboards were working fine not sure suddenly stopped working.

How do troubleshoot it to find out the root cause?.


Check out the log files

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what @yosiasz said. also try increasing the verbosity of the Grafana server logs to debug and note any errors. For printing to console, set the console logs to debug as well.

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@reppakayala were you able to find the cause of the issue?

This can happen if there is a parsing error or invalid characters in data links or template variables, especially in older versions of Grafana.

Other things to check if you run into this:

  • Are you on a current version of grafana?
  • Is the dashboard compatible with your version? Sometimes community-contributed dashboards can be out of sync with the version of grafana you have.
  • Use Chrome Developer Tools or similar and check the console when the error occurs - often there are hints about what resource is causing the issue.
  • What do you see in the query inspector response?
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