I created a table visualization in Grafana with such query:
(sum by (pod, container, reason) (kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason{pod="$pod"}) * on (pod,container) group_left sum by (pod, container) (changes(kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total{pod="$pod"}[1m])) > 0)[${__range_s}s:]
I choose “Format: Table”, enable Instant, and I see No Data in the table. I tried to change query options etc., but I couldn’t achieve the same result as in Prometheus. How can I get the same result in the Grafana table as in Prometheus?
In the Table Visualization option there’s something like orientation with 5 or 6 options with doing something by rows or by columns. There’s also Table option there and this is going to match with Table option in the query.