Grafana v11.2.0-73179
We are monitoring channels in our environments; the channels have 4 possible statuses. On, Off, Error and Transition. I made a visualization that shows the channels’ statuses overtime, with different colors for each status.
I made a State Timeline with the original query set to table format. I then set a data transformation Grouping to Matrix with channelname as the column and time as the row, convert field type setting time/channelname as time type and then a sort by time.
Original expression channelstatus{client_name=“xyz”} ==1
This worked nicely for the first few environments, but then I ran into one with 30+ channels. With the panel size increased so the channel names were readable, it was larger than a single screen, which is something I would like to avoid.
My first thought was to not show the channels that have nothing but on status in the timeframe. I first tried to update the initial expression so channelstatus!=“on” but that resulted in the non-“on” status showing as being in effect longer than they should because there was no “on” status to stop them.
I’m not sure how to go about this, or if I’m just barking up the wrong tree altogether.