June 19, 2024, 4:44am
Hi all
I am wondering if there is a solution to modify the value location on a bar chart with stacked values.
On below chart you can see that the value is shown above the bar. 3911 correspond to blue color but is shown on the green bar. This is confusing. Is there a way to change this ?
As for built-in bar chart, this issue is still open:
opened 04:56PM - 04 Mar 23 UTC
**What happened**:
For stacked barcharts, the value label is shown *above* (verā¦ tical) or *right* (horizontal) of the referencing bar. That means, that the value is shown inside of a different bar that is referenced. This is very confusing. When hovering a bar, a different value is shown in the tooltip then in the bar itself.
**What you expected to happen**:
For stacked barcharts, render the label *inside* of the bar instead of *above* or *right*.
**How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)**:
See playground:
In the example screenshot, the blue bar with the value 12 is hovered, however, the bar itself shows the value 4 from the bar below:
<img width="809" alt="BildschirmĀfoto 2023-03-04 um 17 53 02" src="">
- Grafana version: 9.4.3
- Data source type & version: all
- OS Grafana is installed on: doesn't matter
- User OS & Browser: doesn't matter
- Grafana plugins: doesn't matter