I want to add Oracle Enterprise Manager App plugin to my existing Grafana server. I have successfully completed all the steps on the Oracle document but I cannot see Oracle Enterprise Manager App on the Grafana plugins page. I am getting the following error in Grafana logs
logger=plugins.signature.validation t=2024-09-20T00:43:27.024398121+03:00 level=warn msg=“Skipping loading plugin due to problem with signature” pluginId=oracle-emcc-app status=unsigned
logger=plugins.validation t=2024-09-20T00:43:27.024423916+03:00 level=error msg=“Plugin validation failed” pluginId=oracle-emcc-app error=“plugin ‘oracle-emcc-app’ has no signature”
logger=plugins.signature.validation t=2024-09-20T00:43:27.024440438+03:00 level=warn msg=“Skipping loading plugin due to problem with signature” pluginId=oracle-emcc-datasource status=unsigned
logger=plugins.validation t=2024-09-20T00:43:27.024448276+03:00 level=error msg=“Plugin validation failed” pluginId=oracle-emcc-datasource error=“plugin ‘oracle-emcc-datasource’ has no signature”
I added oracle-emcc-app, oracle-emcc-datasource to the allow_loading_unsigned_plugins parameter to solve the error but it did not work. Can you help?
Hi - could you share your server config where you’ve added allow_loading_unsigned_plugins
As an aside, making a request to Oracle asking them to publish this plugin to the catalog like they do for their logs and metrics plugins would make this a lot simpler and means it would be regularly reviewed for compatibility and quality by our team.
I added like this:
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = oracle-emcc-app,oracle-emcc-datasource
and just to confirm, thats under [plugins] and you’ve restarted your server since saving the changes?
actually, I tried the restart the grafana server like ;
but I get an error. http listener port already use (3000 port)
and so I stopped and start the grafana server;
systemctl stop grafana-server
systemctl start grafana-server
It is okey to confirm this change?
that should be enough. sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
should also work. As long as the process is killed and then restarted, that should suffice.
If you login to your Grafana instance, and look at /admin/settings
is it showing you something like this
If thats not there, that would indicate that your server config change hasnt been picked up
I saw two files with these parameters and I don’t know which .ini file is corret to change. First file location is under the /usr/share/grafana/conf and file name as default.ini . second file location is under the /etc/grafana and file name as grafana.ini. Oracle doc said that “Set the following in the conf/defaults.ini file”. What do you think?
And also I checked the grafana instace, this parameter value is null. If port 3000 is the default port of grafana, wouldn’t killing the processes belonging to port 3000 cause grafana to crush? Why didn’t restart and stop/start see the same action?
I tried but there is nothing new
restart is completed and problem is solved. thanks