"Show Percentage Change" shows values x 100

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
    Grafana v11.2.0-74290 (8988e04044) Cloud

  • What are you trying to achieve?
    Make displayed percentage within Stat visualization show correct values.

  • How are you trying to achieve it?
    Using Infiniti plugin, a basic dashboard, Stat visualization, Show Percentage Change toggle

  • What happened?
    All percentages shown are 100x their actual value.
    Example: Old value = 9, New value = 5.
    Verified the JSON “diffperc” below shows correct value. But panel shows -4,440%

        "state": {
          "calcs": {
            "sum": 14,
            "max": 9,
            "min": 5,
            "logmin": 5,
            "mean": 7,
            "last": 5,
            "first": 9,
            "lastNotNull": 5,
            "firstNotNull": 9,
            "count": 2,
            "nonNullCount": 2,
            "allIsNull": false,
            "allIsZero": false,
            "range": 4,
            "diff": -4,
            "delta": 5,
            "step": -4,
            **"diffperc": -44.44444444444444,**
            "previousDeltaUp": false

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Attempted to delete this post as the issue “magically” went away over the weekend, with absolutely no changes to the charts or data behind the scenes. Could not locate a way to remove but please feel free to clue me in if it’s possible.