Using Grafana 10.4.1 (AWS Managed Grafana), I am creating an alert and setting a label called ‘severity’ that I want to use in the Contact Point, which sends it to PagerDuty. I expect it to set the ‘Severity’ field for PagerDuty to the value of the label set in the alert. Below are the steps I’ve gone through.
In the alert settings I add a label called ‘severity’ and set it to ‘critical’:
Then I create a Notification Template in Contact Points which should return the value of the Alert Label or ‘Info’ as a default if the Alert label is not set.
Next, in the Contact Point that is configured to send to PagerDuty, I try to use that template to set the ‘severity’ value.
When I test an alert with that label set to “info”, I expect the PagerDuty alert to be set to “Low” urgency based on the settings in PagerDuty where I set the notification policy.
But instead, it’s getting set to the (default?) “High” urgency.
When I look at the details of what got sent to PagerDuty, I don’t see the top-level field for ‘severity’. It exists in the labels but I don’t think PagerDuty looks there to determine the urgency of the alert.
Received this event via the events API
"client": "Grafana",
"client_url": "",
"contexts": [
"href": "",
"text": "External URL",
"type": "link"
"description": "[FIRING:1] TestAlert Grafana info ",
"event_type": "trigger",
"incident_key": "obfuscated",
"service_key": "obfuscated",
"details": {
"firing": "
Value: [no value]
- alertname = TestAlert
- instance = Grafana
- severity = info
- summary = Notification test
"num_firing": "1",
"num_resolved": "0",
"resolved": ""