I want to create an alert on a multicondition case.
value >= 0.8 alert with lable severity=medium
value >= 0.95 alert with lable severity=high
value >= 0.99 alert with lable severity=urgent
if the condition of a higer severity is fulfilled, the lower alert can be quite. (I do not say silent, because it is a special word)
my only solution is to setup following alert rules:
>=0.8 && <0.95
>=0.95 && <0.99
on the downside: with every change there would be a resolve-notification as well.
My query gives me just the values and I set a Threshold on it. The ‘severity’ is a label I set on the alert to react on it in policies. I want to use different contactpoints.
The query:
sum(kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes) by (persistentvolumeclaim, namespace)
sum (
sum(kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info) by (persistentvolumeclaim, namespace, storageclass)
* on (persistentvolumeclaim, namespace) group_right(storageclass)
sum(kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes) by (persistentvolumeclaim, namespace)
) by (namespace,persistentvolumeclaim)
You can use the label_replace function to create the label based on the condition you want.
In this example, I create a new query for every condtion, and wrap the metric in the label_replace:
label_replace(v instant-vector, dst_label string, replacement string, src_label string, regex string)
v: your query
dst_label: the label name
replacement: the label value
set src_label and regex to empty strings as you don't want to modify existing labels.
I’m not sure if you set different notification policies with each label and value linked to a contact point will capture the label generated in the alert without specifying it in the “Notifications” section.
Try it, if it doesn’t work then you should create 3 alerts each linked to a notification policy based on the label value.
It is nice to use the metrics intuitivly and get some successes
Currently I have three queries and they are responding some data.
How have you combined them to create alerts from them. I can just set one of these config blocks as ‘alert condition’. Also in my current configuration I get ‘No data’ for the rule. But two of the queries are responding data.
Now I got alerts with dynamic severity label. It reacts on the value of a calculation.
You If I configure a label more than one time, just one of these lables are saved to the final configuration. I do that via GUI.
If I try to do it in the yaml, I get the hint from my IDE, that it in no valid yaml.