Do you know how to display the data of 2 points that have the same location (latitude and longitude) ?
Do you know how to display the data of 2 points that have the same location (latitude and longitude) ?
What problem are you encountering?
Geomap should work if provided those values but you will need to zoom in if both have same lon lat
you see even if i zoom, i can’t see the 2 points
(i change one here so you can see that the second point is here too)
What result do you get when you run this query in influxdb itself?
Please post data results?
But i see in putting the value as a circle ( in marker size ) i can see the second one but i don’t think this is the good way to do, i wish i could just see the 2 when i pass on the circle
I agree. That geomap plugin does not do too well when items are very close
Try another type of mapping grafana plugin
Like orchestra city? Or echart apache
I try Orchestra City but my problem now is that i can’t choose in “coords” wich one i want to use so the 2 layers is sensor 255-1114
je ne comprends pas ? which one you want?
en fait ici il affiche 2 fois le même “layer” (255-1114), quand je vais dans “coords” j’aimerais pouvoir choisir le deuxième (255-1113).
tu peux pas. les choix sont pour tout le data et pas pour chaque point de data.
Maybe you can have another filter, a table or a drop down that you can use to send to query to filter out overlaps?
Check this thread out, maybe it will help