Hello, i am having issues with using duration, cause Y line labels are showing just weird values. I am using duration(s) unit, and i have also trehsholds. And this is how it looks now -
As you can see, 2 hours label on Y-axes actually isn’t pointing to 2 hours trehshold, because 2 hours isnt exactly 2hours but it’s 2hours 46minutes. Also i have trehshold on 3 hours and i can’t see 3 hours at all. I understand thata there is some calculation for graph height and max value and so, but there isn’t really anyway how to set manually Y values / labels. I would really want to have these lines always on exact hour, going - 1h,2h,3h,4h,5h…
The same issue i am also having on different graph here -
I really don’t wanna see on Y axes minutes, and i know i can set short unit so minutes / seconds will be hidden, but the X line on specific y-label will not point 2 hours but still will be way higher pointing on 2:46…
so is there any way to set Y values / labels step ?