Retrieve calculated field from transformations on business charts

Hi all,

I am trying to retrieve the dat from my last transformation into the code of my business chart on Grafana 9.0.

However, it seems that those values are not named as the colums since I get an error from reading thes values. Are they named otherwise than the ones displayed in the panel ? And how do you manage to display your console.log() ?

Calculating fields from business charts can initially seem tricky, but it’s pretty doable with the right approach. If you’re working with specific metrics like revenue growth, customer engagement, or sales conversions, the key is breaking down what you need from the chart and setting up simple calculations. Many people find tools like Excel or Google Sheets helpful since they allow you to efficiently transform data and run calculations.One handy tip is to check out sites like . They have resources that give insights on business metrics and analysis. Their examples help you understand how to extract valuable numbers from business data.