Repeat Row per parent variable and then Panels inside each Row per child variable which is based on the parent one

Hello all,

Is it possible to repeat Rows based on a Query variable and then repeat Panels inside each Row, based on another Query variable that takes the first, row-level variable as input? Now, the child variable query does not return any values because, i guess, the variables are calculated only when either dashboard loads or the time period is changed and the parent variable does not have any value yet.

This is not supported. Better look at programmatic ally build/generate dashboards.

Got it.

Don’t you think it could be a good addition? I understand that one can go thus far without code, but it seems to me that such an implementation completes the Repeat story: Repeat Row per a variable that is initialised on Dashboard Load and then Repeat Panel per Row per a variable that is initialised on Row Load.

Combining them is very complicated and also would need to fire new template variable queries for each row to know the variable values for each panel.

Ok, just asking! Thanks!

hey guys, can you please provide me some tips or ideas for this… almost 3 years later is still not implemented :slight_smile:

This is possible If I understood it right!

Lets take variable Region: loc1, loc2 and nested with varaible Intaces: ie on selecting loc1 we get instances 1,2,3 loc2: 4,5,6.

Enable repeat row for Region and enable repeat panel under row for each instance and use both variables in the query as well.


Sorry I do not understand it either.
I work with InfluxDb and I do not know how to nest a variable.

I have these two variables:
Instance => SHOW TAG VALUES FROM “DR.Monitor” WITH KEY = “Instance” where $timeFilter
Peer => SHOW TAG VALUES FROM “DR.Monitor” WITH KEY = “Peer” WHERE “Instance” =~ /^$Instance$/ and $timeFilter

And this panel that is filtering by both variables:

It is inside a row that repeats by Instance variable, and I get a lot of No data panels:

It is posible to put dependencies on variables so you do not get a lot of no data panels?.

If you select the instance you will get the panels only with those Peers that are with data for that Instance. If you select All or some of them you would probably get a lot of panels without data.

Just as Grafana knows which variables are dependent could revaluate them in case you want to see all nodes