Remember time picker selection on dashbaord change


I have a couple dashboards that I linked together via a text panel with HTML code written in it that creates buttons (a tag) that link to other dashboards.

Now I was wondering if there was a way to remember the input that I put into the time picker when changing dashbaords. For example when I enter a timeframe from june 7th to june 14th I want the time picker to remember that input when going to another dashboard

Anybody that might know a solution?

(Grafana version 11)

How is your navigation between dashboards arranged?

You can configure Include current time range in dashboard link options:

I arrange it through a text panel. I write HTML code with a tags with the href being another dashboard. I mainly do this so I can make a nice design out of it.

Add to your URL to dashboard from and to parameters and populate them using ${__from} and ${__to} variables.

So as to get something like YOUR_EXISTING_URL&from=1718226000000&to=1718312399000

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DUDE, to the rescue agane!

thanks man
