If the following inquiry or something similar has already been posted kindly point me to that post…
*Grafana version: 7.3.5
We have a simple query that returns active alarms in a table format dashboard panel from various sites we monitor; the data source is a PostgreSQL db.
The query has a variable that filters active alarms by site; click the drop-down, click-select a site and the table updates to display only those active alarms for the chosen site.
Clicking the Panel Title drop-down you can select “Inspect>Data” - a “side panel” slides in showing you the query results. On this slide-out panel is a horizontal row that contains a big button that says, " Download CSV " If you click it, you get a CSV formatted file of the query results that downloads to your desktop…
Is it possible to re-create this button that will either download the results, and have that button displayed in the main dashboard, or above the panel query results?
Providing this button would allow view-only users the ability to select a site’s active alarms then either download the CSV file.
Has anyone been able to create something like this?
Thanks, svetb for the insight pertaining to the possibility that this is a feature request.
However, the button already exists: if you click on a panel, choose Inspect > Data, a slide-out panel displays the currently displayed data for that panel – at the top right of the slide-out panel is a big button that prompts you the option to “Download CSV”.
I just want to basically have an instance of that button appear with the main panel display/dashboard, without the need to click edit>inspect>data; in other words, avoid the additional steps.
That would allow any user viewing the panel to click and download that panel data.
For sure - that’s also what I meant. When I said that “I don’t think that possibility exists” my choice of language was somewhat poor. I just meant that the button itself doesn’t exist in an directly accessible place, but is hidden behind a couple of layers of menu items