I’d like to have a panel with simple indication for a number of servers I have: online - green, offline - red. The data source is Zabbix - Status - Agent ping. It has 1 as value if there’s a connection to a box and doesn’t have any value when there’s now connection. So it is timestamp of the latest 1 value which one should use to find out if the box is online.
I can not find a proper way to make a visualization out of that info. Could you help, please?
Thank you.
Hello, I hope you are well, I am looking for the same thing and I read your post, could you help me with the steps you took, I find very little information about status panel
Sorry, but it was too long ago and I do not have the access to that panel anymore to look it all up. The plugin is still there, so you can try to install it and play with settings.