Proper issue handling? / Duplicated paths

Hello there!

First off, apologies if this landed in the wrong category - I went up and down the list but was not sure where exactly to put this…

Basically, I am kinda, sorta, slightly poked by my collegues about a few of Grafana’s behaviours once in a while and end up writing some Github issues - depending on if I can solve it on my own or get stuck or upright find a bug. This time, it is the latter; at least from everything I can tell: Provisioning: Paths in folders appear duplicated · Issue #91826 · grafana/grafana · GitHub

What is the proper way of escalating things? I don’t want to be a nuisance, but I also want to find my way to a solution or make sure that a legitimate bug report is seen. So hence why I wanted to ask: How to do this correctly and properly?

The TL;DR of the bug/issue I found is that provisioned dashboard paths containing a slash are created twice - one empty, one not. I checked the documentation but could not find anything about naming restrictions for folders, so I assume slashes in folder names are alright. That said, I am visually impaired, I wouldn’t rule out that I legit just overlooked something - wouldn’t be the first time this happened. :wink:

Thank you very much and kind regards

You must have paid a Grafana version/support, so you will report it to your Grafana support. They will verify it and acknowledge/reject as a bug. Bug will be fixed based on current dev load/issue severity. Support will notify you, when fix is released.

If you don’t have support, then you can just wait. IMHO why you are creating a problem when you can just simple avoid of using / in the folder name? It is used as visual separator anyway, so something is processing it as real separator in your issue case.

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