You have not given many details so it may be difficult for people to help you. Which version of Grafana are you using? Which platform? Which browser/version? Which (exact) panel are you trying to use?
Looking at the Grafana Play demo site it does seem that when you view a time series graph in full screen, although the graph panel itself is sized correctly for the screen, the outer layout (class react-grid-layout) is for some reason sized larger than the screen resulting in an unnecessary scroll bar and the gap below the graph as reported by the OP.
Do you need the navigation stuff like the top and left sidebar? If not you can use the d-solo url format which gets properly sized for the window (both on its own as well as inside an iframe). Just switch /d/ to /d-solo/ and viewPanel to panelId. The downside is you can’t zoom out this way, only drag to zoom in.
Thanks @dczysz, that works perfect for dashboard panels! Do you know if there is an equivalent “solo” url for snapshots? Because fullscreen panels in snapshots, e.g. /dashboard/snapshot/?&theme=dark&orgId=1&viewPanel=6&from=1638371342770&to=1638371586055 have the same empty space below the panel
Not that I can figure out. We can hide the extra junk but there’s still empty scrollable space below the panel. To hide the extra stuff and only show the panel, add &viewPanel=N&kiosk. Steps below:
Then click the heading of the panel you want, click view. That will populate the URL with &viewPanel=N. (Or if you already know the panel # you can add it to the URL manually).
You could add this to run after the page loads or after the iframe loads (if using this as an iframe and it’s on the same domain). Although it may change in future versions so you may have to update it in the future.
Thanks for your feedback! I was already doing what you described. Unfortunately I can’t manipulate the iframe contents so I guess I will create an issue…