OK, I’ve got a laptop, with Grafana Windows running on it. I’ve got a dashboard on that, which connects to a database and pulls data to draw graphs quite happily.
Now, I’m recreating that Dashboard under Grafana Cloud. Got the Grafana Cloud set up, download Private Dat Connect (Windows, x86). Grafana Cloud says it’s connected.
Created an Infinity datasource, with credentials to access by database, test says it’s ok.
Imported my dashboard, via JSON, and I had to reset off the variable data sources as they hadn’t been rewired by the import process. Problem is, they’re not working.
Created a new dashboard and put the query for the first variable in as a normal panel query - so I could use QueryInspector. Found a couple of little set up things, but now I’ve hit something I need some help on.
The query is failing with an error 500, but it has a semi-decent error message:
error getting response from url /Query. no response received. Error: Post "http://my_server:1234/Query": socks connect tcp private-datasource-connect.hosted-grafana.svc.cluster.local:443->my_server:1234: unknown error network unreachable
Is there something missing from the pdc set up? I know the machine PDC is running on can reach the database, because that’s where I build my local Grafana instance…
I didn’t specify any restricted hosts when configuring the pdc.