One error with "plugin Table": drag table to change the width, and the table value changed

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Go to:

  2. Set Time Range to “This week so far”.

  3. Enter to edit table “Row color mode”, and change options to:
    Table Transform : Time series aggregations.
    Columns: Total.

  4. Return to main page, and click refresh button In the upper right corner
    to refresh table “Row color mode”. Now, the Total value shows “702.14K”.

  5. Drag table “Row color mode” to fit to the full width, and click refresh button In the upper right corner to refresh table “Row color mode”. Now, the Total value shows “1.29Mil”.


Seems like you’ve verified this as a bug and something that you want to be fixed.

Please submit a bug report here.



Panel width is related to the query parameter default, but there is another option。see the dev team’s reply:

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Just saw that you got your answer in the issue.

Hope that worked out well
