Non text buildversion information as tooltip in timeseries graph

I am trying to plot a timeseries metrics graph with elasticsearch datasource. My document structure is like below

metric1: 21
metric2 : 33
buildVersion : T12345

while the metric values are numerical the build version is not. And it changes not frequently.

I wanted to show the buildversion as tootip everytime anyone hovers over the metrics in timeseries graph.

Is it a possibility and how ?

please post a sample es document

Thank you for your response, I dont have permission to share the document directly. But it looks like below

[#]duration : 32,545
[#] TPS : 12,5
[t] normalizedBuild : 4.0.1-19291

I am trying to plot TPS and want to show “normalizedBuild” information in the tooltip.

Thanks for your help

that does not look like a es doc json

post the structure and data obfuscated

Thank you for your reply. Here is the json
“_index”: “your_index_name”,
“_type”: “_doc”,
“_id”: “1”,
“_score”: 1,
“fields”: {
“duration”: [32545],
“TPS”: [12.5],
“normalizedBuild”: [“4.0.1-19291”]

curl -X POST “http://localhost:9200/your_index/_doc/” -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d’
“duration”: [32545],
“TPS”: [12.5],
“normalizedBuild”: [“4.0.1-19291”]

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where is the datetime?

i posted the json from kibana and it is not showing datetime (though it exists)

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hard to wrap my head around this json

	"_index": "your_index_name",
	"_type": "_doc",
	"_id": "1",
	"_score": 1,
	"fields": {
		"duration": [
		"TPS": [
		"normalizedBuild": [

why are duration, tps and normalizedBuild arrays with single value?