I collect data with InfluxDB and in a certain measurement there are 6 rows with integer values and 3 with real values.
I can query the integer data but if I make a query for the real data columns I get ‘No data’ in the panel.
To add some information:
I collect the data with NodeRed where I use the MQTT en HomeSeer nodes to get the data.
For those data that are real values I use the function parseFloat to transform the string to real values:
//read payload from MQTT node
var stringValue = msg.payload;
//convert string to float to 1 decimal places
var T_WNK = parseFloat(stringValue).toFixed(1);
//store as flow object
//set and return payload
msg.payload = T_WNK;
return msg;
For the integer values I use parseInt:
//read payload
var stringValue = msg.payload;
//convert string to int
var CO2_BUI = parseInt(stringValue);
//store as flow object
//set and return payload
msg.payload = CO2_BUI;
return msg;
Any idea where to find the solution?