Need to send prometheus metrics from k8s app pod to grafana alloy pod using prometheus.receive_http

I have k8s app pod and grafana alloy pod running in k8s. I configured grafana alloy with prometheus.receive_http , Im trying to send metrics to endpoint POST /api/v1/metrics/write from my k8s app pod directly

prometheus.receive_http "api" {
  http {
    listen_address = ""
    listen_port = 9999
  forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.local.receiver]

When I use curl and post prometheus metrics i see snappy: corrupt input, does it mean i need to compress the data using snappy before using this as payload in my curl ?

curl -vvv -H ‘Content-Type: application/text’ -X POST --data-binary @data-2.json http://alloy:9999/api/v1/metrics/write

Does grafana alloy supports sending metrics to grafana alloy pod in k8s ?