Can you scrape alloy metrics from a prometheus job?

I have set up grafana alloy to push metrics to prometheus. The --web.enable-remote-write-receiver flag is enabled in prometheus and there is a prometheus.remote_write “metrics_service” block in my alloy.config file. This all works and I can view the metrics in the prometheus graph console.

However, I am a little concerned by this comment within the HTTP API documentation for prometheus (HTTP API | Prometheus).

This is not considered an efficient way of ingesting samples. Use it with caution for specific low-volume use cases. It is not suitable for replacing the ingestion via scraping and turning Prometheus into a push-based metrics collection system.

Has anyone had issues based on the above with pushing large’ish volumes to Prometheus via remote-write.

I wanted to ask if it is possible to directly scrape, via a job in prometheus an ‘alloy’ endpoint and scrape metrics in via a ‘traditional’ route?

I’ve also enabled authentication on the web api endpoint, and as expected Prometheus now requires authentication onto the web console and not just the api endpoint - which is a shame as I don’t really want authentication enabled, generally speaking, but also don’t want to permit any random unknown client from pushing metrics to Prometheus.

Many thanks, Will.