Multiple line graphs on Graph Panel is not showing as expected

Hi all ,

I build grafana panel using Mysql Source .and its not showing as expected . look at the Image

Please look at the mark point in grafana . actual value is 1 minute but it laying on 3 mins X-Axis .

and used query is

select $__time(StartDateTime),
time_to_sec(timediff(imageCaptureEndDateTime,imageCaptureStartDateTime)) as ‘Image Capture Time’,
time_to_sec(timediff(ADMPredictionEndDttm,ADMPredictionStartDttm)) as ‘ADM Prediction Time’,
time_to_sec(timediff(DVTEndDttm,DVTStartDttm)) as ‘DVT Verification Time’,
time_to_sec(timediff(DVTEndDttm,imageCaptureStartDateTime)) as ‘Total Processing Time’
FROM acdc.ACDCSession
inner join StoreInfo on StoreInfo.Storeid = ACDCSession.Storeid
inner join ACDCImageDetails on ACDCImageDetails.ACDCSessionid = ACDCSession.ACDCSessionid
where $__timeFilter(StartDateTime)
and ProgramUsed in($program)
and StoreType in($storetype)
and (District in($district) or District is NULL)
and StoreLocation in($storemarket)
and (District in($district) or District is NULL)
and StoreCode in($store);

please look at the issue , and address with the solution.
Thanks in advance
