Move the Variable Display

I want to move the variable display position to below table 1 and above table 2. How do I do that? All variables in the dashboard are automatically on the top left. I want to display two tables in one dashboard.

In this case, I want to move the AP variable to the top of the second table, because the AP variable is synchronized with the second table, while the building and floor variables are synchronized with the first table.

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Not a perfect fix, but Grafana 11 will ā€œstickā€ to the top as you scroll down, so the variable(s) chosen will always be visible.

I too would like to move the Variable display. My users donā€™t want the real estate consumed on top of screen and they still need the controls.

Here is an idea for the dashboard admin workflow to make this work:

  • Under dashboard settings, variables tab, on right side top have a button to add a Variable Group
  • Below that, there are a list of Variable Group sections, each of which has the desired variables arranged in order. Default is a single Variable Group that any defined variables go into.
  • For each variable group, there is a Position setting, with these options:
  1. anchor to top (default for upgrade path with backward compatibility)
  2. anchor to left
  3. anchor to right
  4. anchor to bottom
  5. arrange like panel
  • Each Variable Group Section can be drag/dropped to rearrange order of Variable Groups just like for existing variables or dashboard panels.
  • When multiple variable groups have the same Position setting, they are horizontally adjacent (for top/bottom anchors) or vertically adjacent (for left/right anchors) but remain as separate boxed entities rather than merging the contents of the variable lists. This empowers dashboard admins with a little more esthetic control, and offers flexibility to define a title for Variable Groups to display in each variable grouping.
  • Should also have a setting for directionality (e.g. left to right top to bottom) for better support of different languages - this might be a global setting that doesnā€™t need to clutter the UI.
  • Each Variable Group has an option to delete it, with a strong confirmation box to delete it with all nested variables
  • Variables can be drag/dropped between Variable Group sections
  • Support for duplicating a Variable Group should duplicate all nested variables renamed with the suffix _copy as when duplicating a single variable

That seems specific enough to implement, and flexible enough to support most use cases.

I opened this Grafana feature request:

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We are also interested in this funcionality. Some of my visualizations rely on variables while others do not. I want to be able to group variables and move their position near the visualizations that actually use them

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There is a ā€˜Business Variableā€™ plugin that provides this functionality (and more). See this post: Creating variables panel instead of top row

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