More than 1 expression on a graph is broken

I have a time series graph panel where I have multiple expressions being calculated. Prior to what looks like a new system update, everything was working fine. Now it looks like I can only calculate one expression per panel or it comes up and says “No Data” and gives an error. Anyone else having this issue? Is it a bug or expected change?



what is your data source and what are the expressions you are using?

The data sources are cloudwatch metrics and the expressions are really simple. One is just adding two queries together and the other is doing some multiplication and division. Both expressions work fine individually, it just doesn’t show anything when I try to plot both expressions.

It worked fine for a long time and stoped when I saw what looks like a new code release for the dashbaords.

new code release for which dashboards? are you talking about grafana code in a new release? or changes to a dashboard?

It was a new release by Grafana. It says it is version Grafana v11.2.0-73179 (cfd2d572e7)

I am using Grafana Cloud.

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This is happening to me too. Duplicate the same expression caused no valid datasource error.

Same error happening here.

Same thing happening to me. Thought i was going nuts :slight_smile: This must be some broken release

Everything working again after another release.

We saw this issue with v11.1.1 but it was fixed after we updated to 11.1.3.