Missing frontend resources after 11.5 update

Running on-premise Grafana in a Rocky Linux 8 server. After updating to v11.5 the Grafana frontend is missing some frontend svg resources such as the arrow icon in buttons, as illustrated above.

In the browser debug, I can see the frontend trying to load the resources and the 404 error.

Has anyone faced a similar issue and know how to solve it?

if you go into those folders do those svg files exist?

Hi, i have the same issue. All icons disappear deploying 11.5 version and also 11.5.1
looking inside the folder “img”, the folder “icons” doesnt exist

Turns out it was a folder permission issue. The svg files are there but apparentlty there was a change in the icons folder location in this version. I was able to solve the problem by setting the correct permissions in “/usr/share/grafana/public/img/icons” folder.

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Resolved, changing the deployment yaml. I had a volume mounted to override default images (es. grafana icon) which “clear” the entire “img” folder. Resolved mounting the specific files with mountpath ans subpath