Hello Guys,
Need your advise on below issue. I did create memory and Cpu monitoring in my environment. Memory alert triggered as expected with metric name and value. Howevwe for CPU alert, the metric name and value are empty. i did change the query and alias, but still no luck. Anything i miss? Grafana version 7.2.0
How did you get the metrics name and value into your template?
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i am configure as normal for both CPU and Memory. Then i can see memory one show the metric name and value but not for CPU. the metric name was the table name in the influx DB source.
Hello. Any advise on this?
Thanks I got it working. I use MySQL datasource. And when you use raw sql the metric doesn’t work but when using the query builder is works
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i am using InfluxDB data source. how to use the query builder? means the metric and value are showing in your email notification?
I am not sure how the InfluxDB querying working. I am still learn Influx. But in the messaging temp there is an variable(ValueString) in string format that show the metrics and values.
It look like this “[ metric=’’ labels={} value=10 ]”
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Thank you so much Sir. i try the string format but still the result not show the metrics and values. If you dont mind, can you screenshot your messaging temp and show here, just want to ensure i was looking and doing the correct one. Thanks in advance
Hello Guys,
And by the way, related with this, Is there a way to edit ‘Metric Name’ or ’ Value’ that are shown in the header of the email notification?
Because my query has alias with different names to the metric and value attribute but they aren’t shown in the email, why?
Thanks in advance
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Hello, i am not sure on how to edit those details also i am still facing the issue. Hopefully someone from Grafana engineer will review and advise on this.
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Any update on this ? Anyone maybe facing the same issue ? appreciate your advise on this,
Thanks in advance