Load Test options arent reflected in End of Test Summary report

Noticed the load test options we defined wasn’t reflected in End of Test report. Are we missing something here

Load Test Options:
export const options = {
scenarios: {
Login: {
executor: ‘per-vu-iterations’,
vus: 3,
iterations: 2,

End of Test:

We used 3 Vus and 2 iterations but summary shows always 1 for both vus and iterations. Console always shows the results of 1 iteration .Do we need set any flag to display all the test iterations output in console. Please clarify

Hi @sattivasudevan !

it’s hard to say why it shows such a summary without looking into the script :thinking:

In theory, there should be no extra options, and if you use the script like:

import http from 'k6/http';

export const options = {
   scenarios: {
      Login: {
      vus: 3,
      iterations: 2,

export default function () {

It produces the correct output, like:

Could you please provide more details about what’s inside your script?


Hi @olegbespalov ,

Thanks after modifying few options i could see the iterations been executed properly now.
Appreciate your support.

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