Legend - Status History

I’m desperate find a tip to change legend of my veeam pannel : Status History

Query :

I don’t want the value of metrics of the query, in the legend like : 0 , 1 , -1
I want : 0 = Backup ok ; -1 = running , -2 = Error

I try “Value mappings” , with exact or regex , It change the tooltips when I move the mouse on a square, but not the legend.

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
    Last version, : 9.4 2023 , with prometheus last version (source) and pushgateway and powershell script send value.

  • What are you trying to achieve?

change Legend value on pannel “Status history”

  • How are you trying to achieve it?

mapping value

  • What did you expect to happen?
    I want : 0 - Backup ok ; -1 running , -2 = Error ----> at the legend


After searching through all the options, I thought I would change the value of the result,
for example change ; 0 by backupok , 1 by running etc… for that I change the powershell script, but invoque-webrequest refuse send data to pushgateway because Its not Float …

I discovered that “metrics” means numbers ! it’s not easy to send something else than numbers as values for metrics.(string)

Thanks for helping.

Hi @stratanic,

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Please review the submission template and include more details:

  • What is your datasource?

  • Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?

  • Can you please try to reproduce this same issue on https://play.grafana.org/ and then share the dashboard link so that we can view it?


Ok i Find the issues.

classic prometheus my source… with pushgateway (result veeam backup)

I have just to change type of color !!! why a color change the legend… really strange.
(color by value —> to single color)

and now mapping work on the pannel and legend.