I am testing Loki in a monolithic deployment using Docker and with S3 as object storage. Everything is working fine and I can see the chunks being uploaded to S3 in the fake/ directory. However, when I delete the container and deploy a new container using the same S3 bucket, Loki seems to not be able to restore my labels. I don’t get any labels back from GET /loki/api/v1/labels. Am I missing something?
I am actually not using Grafana at all. I just have Loki running and I am querying Loki directly. Do you know if there is there something similar I can check within Loki to verify the reference to S3?
Then I probably remember incorrectly. The thing you need to watch for is that the shared_store configured for boltdb_shipper needs to match with one storage configuration.
Thanks for the link. I have tried all combinations. Nothing seems to be working. It’s quite weird that the documentation on this is so bad. I tried copy pasting the examples in the documentation as is, but they don’t seem to work