K6 summary - join up multiple summaries


I’ve been using k6 with aws batch jobs and I was wondering if anybody else was doing anything similar? If so, how do you join together the summaries?


Hey there,

the end-of-test summary is generated by aggregating the metrics from a single k6 test run. If you want to aggregate metrics from multiple runs (AWS Batch jobs in your case), the most straightforward way would be to send the metrics to a centralized system via the --output option and then doing the aggregation for all tests in that external system.

A more involved process would be to take advantage of the newly introduced handleSummary() callback in v0.30.0, also send the results to some centralized system, and do the overall aggregation there. This would need quite a lot of manual work to setup, and it doesn’t make a lot of sense to aggregate the already aggregated summary. But it could be simpler if you’re just interested in specific values.

Maybe someone else has a better idea. Good luck!