Hello !
Is there any way to get a summary report for each tests of a group ?
Currently I have all tests merged in an only a summary report.
My goal is to launch one k6 script with many groups / sub-goups (for each feature of the app) and then have a result with for each test its report.
Maybe I misunderstood the groups feature ^^
Thanks !
Hi @Richard,
welcome to the community forum
Is there any way to get a summary report for each tests of a group ?
doesnโt support yet directly that kind of feature, but we have a documented workaround that should be helpful for your use case.
An alternative option is to use one of the supported output visualizing your metrics from a dashboard.
I would also encourage you to pay attention to not hit the Discouraged use case described in the Tags and Groups page.
Let me know if it helps you.