Issue with timezone

Hi, I am facing this issue:

  1. In node red, I have a payload with this value: timestamp: “2025-01-25 15:29:27” (this is the correct local datetime with daylight saving time), which I insert in a PostgreSQL database.
  2. In the database, the datetime is also the right one
  3. In grafana the time is one hour to late

Grafana is set to take the browser time.
I have search through this forum and tried lots of possible solutions, but have not found a solution.
Thus: what would be in this case the way of working to have the right time in database and grafana?

grafana works with UTC time. So you can either save your data as UTC or use functions like

  from nodered

to convert to UTC

OK, so now I use UTC and time is correct in grafana. But when I query the database in pgAdmin, then the time is an hour behind which is confusing.

when you use what query in pgAdmin?

A simple select query:
SELECT * FROM public.energie_realtime_sb_e
ORDER BY id DESC, “timestamp” DESC LIMIT 100

That is to be expected because it depends on the time zone on your server and/or time zone of the database and/or time zone when inserting data

ok, i leave it that way then.
Will grafana follow also the daylight saving time?

Test it out with mock data