Issue :- Timestamp mismatch between InfluxDB timestamp and Grafana Heatmap plugin dashboard timestamp

I have inserted data into InfluxDB and there is time gap of inserting data between influxDB and Grafana Dash board. I have used Heatmap plugin for dashboard.
Issue is :- In influx DB data is inserted at " 2017-12-14T17:35:36.430980177Z " , but in Grafana dashboard its showing " Dec-14-17 11:05:33 "

I have used below metrices query to fetch the data through influxDB Datasource
" SELECT “Status” FROM “ABC” WHERE Component=‘Application’ AND ComponentName=‘abcProd’ and $timeFilter "

Can anyone please help me regarding this. Waiting for the replies.

Could you attach a screenshot of that?

Hi Alex,

Thank you for the reply. Please find the attached screen shot for your reference .


This is not a heatmap. And what is a query for panel? Select or Select LAST() ?

This is heat map plugin as we are displaying only one data for testing purpose and the query is start with " SELECT ". I have tried with " SELECT LAST() " also, but the result is same .
Query is - " SELECT “Status” FROM “ABC” WHERE Component=‘Application’ AND ComponentName=‘abcProd’ and $timeFilter "

I have used the below query in influx db and it will give the correct result in Influx DB. But in grafana dashboard its showing different .

SELECT LAST(“Status”) FROM “ABC” WHERE Component=‘Application’ AND ComponentName=‘abcProd’ AND time>=now() - 1d

time in InfluDB --> 2017-12-15T18:39:04.990766683Z
time in Grafana Dash Board --> Dec - 16-17 12:09:04

Can you check it with query inspector?

Hi, I have checked with the query inspector. There value of time is coming in influxDB format. Could you please tell me , shall i need to configure Grafana for this time format in the configuration file. Below is the screen shot of query inspector Query_inspector

Are these timestamps correspond to InfluxDB?

Yes , this time stamp is correspond to influxdb


Did this issue ever get resolved?

I am facing the exact same problem (mismatch between influxdb and grafana dashboard timestamps). Going through the comments here I cannot find any suggested fix. So I was wondering if this issue ever got resolved?



Did this issue ever get resolved?

I am having same problem (mismatch between influxdb and grafana dashboard timestamps). Queries returns with correct timestamp. Graph shows time -4 hours. My time sone is UTC -4. As you can see in the image, the timeframe of the graph is correct, but the timestamp of the data is off by -4 hours.

Please help!


Solved. Just save the data in the database with UTC timezone.