Issue provisioning Tempo (Traces to Logs) with YAML


I am trying to configure a Grafana Tempo datasource via provisioned YAML, but encountering issues with the tracesToLogsV2 spec which is documented here

I cannot figure out the YAML required to implement the below:


I’ve attempted to use the following YAML, but the tag names and new names get disregarded, along with the “Filter by trace ID” setting

      datasourceUid: my-loki-datasource
      filterByTraceId: true
      spanEndTimeShift: -30m
      spanStartTimeShift: 30m
        - {key:'',value:'app'}
        - {key:'pod.namespace',value:'namespace'}


Appreciate any help with this!

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Hello, this formatting worked for me:
tags: [{ key: 'http.server_name', value: 'pod' }, { key: 'pod.namespace', value: 'namespace' }]

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