Is it possible to use environment variables in Grafana v9.1.3 when provisioning contact points?

Is it possible to use environment variables in Grafana v9.1.3 when provisioning contact points? Per the example below I’m using this environment variable ${GF_CONTACTPOINT_CHATID} to create a contact point. The variable is not being substituted into the configuration on starting Grafana. When I browse to the UI to check the chat ID I do not see the integer value but see the text ‘${GF_CONTACTPOINT_CHATID}’.

  - orgId: 1
    name: telegram-contact
      - uid: random-uid
        type: telegram
          bottoken: ${GF_CONTACTPOINT_BOTTOKEN}
          chatid: ${GF_CONTACTPOINT_CHATID}

welcome to the :grafana: forum, @eddie

There is a fix for this. It will be in 9.2.0 and 9.1.7:

#54984 (comment)


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