influxDB queries return null values instead of real ones while developing a new plugin

Hi all,
I’m a newbie in the development of grafana plugins and I am trying to make a plugin to show in 3D the position of certain devices in motion.

I am using Grafana 7.0 and I have just started with one of the tutorials, so I apologize for my poor experience. The problem is that I have just started to develop the plugin through the template provided with the tool “npx @ grafana/toolkit plugin: create my-plugin” and when testing it in grafana, the queries to influx only return the timestamp and " null "as an associated value.

I find it very strange since the predefined plugins and some extensions that I previously used load the values ​​perfectly and the truth is that I am a bit lost with the theme.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You have requested to return null in your query.

Doc: Explore data using InfluxQL | InfluxDB OSS 1.8 Documentation

Make sure you have data for selected time period and correct query.

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Thank you very much @jangaraj. It works

I have recently updated to the new version of grafana and I think that is what has led me to the error, because from what I see in the query results, all the values for instants of time are associated with a null unless there is data in that instant.

Many thanks!