Can you share a (sanitized) version of your script, and the output you are getting (if you have the end-of-test summary enabled)? I’d like to reproduce this, and it might be related to what the test is doing. Are the http requests finishing?
I figured out the issue. It’s a problem with my metrics stack. I use Prometheus Operator + Mimir, so I needed to add some extra config settings to Mimir, and Prometheus Operator does not yet support send_native_histograms for remote write (but a fix for this has just been merged).
Is this a question, or are you pointing out Azure-managed Prometheus and Grafana work? Can you open a separate topic and give more details if it’s a question?
I have enabled the native histogram and tried setting the environment variable $env:K6_PROMETHEUS_RW_TREND_STATS = "p(80),p(90),p(95),avg,sum,min,max" as well as $env:K6_PROMETHEUS_RW_TREND_STATS = "count,min,max,p(90),avg", but I am still missing k6_http_req_duration (please check the attached image).
Is there any way to send all the data to Prometheus from k6, similar to generating output with k6 run --out json=test_results.json .\tests\random.test.js?