

I’d like to ask that you clarify a part of the documentation on;

Its the part where the method to create a new dashboard is created. It is written in the documentation, but I spent 3-4hr to figure our why my dashboards where not created. I created the dashboard, and then tried to check it out. No such dashboard. Then when I checked the GUI, there it was. What happened was that, my dashboard title had both upper and lower case letters, the upper cases were changed to lower cases. But as I asked for a dashboard with upper cases, none was found.

Further down the page, the definition of slug is found, url friendly version of the dashboard title. To me that means removing spaces, and chars that are not to be found in an url. However, not changing capitalization. But that happens, so perhaps you could just add a line or two about that together with the create dashboard example.

Cf. Please note that that the provided title will be used to generate the slug. The slug is a lower case, url friendly string used when referencing the dashboard via the API.


The slug is also returned from the api when you create the dashboard, it is very standard that url slugs are lowercase

Sure its returned, and I should have payed more attention to the doc, and the returned data. However, in other standards [rfc3986], it is common that URLs are case-sensitive. If the section would have been augmented with this information it would have saved me (possibly others) some time, and frustration.