How to utilise alerts in Grafana to generate Incidents/tickets in ServiceNow?

Hi Community,
I’m very new to Grafana and requiring integration of the same with ServiceNow.

Objective: Have alerts like CPU spike, Memory spike etc in Grafana to create incidents/tickets in ServiceNow. Unfortunately, I don’t find useful documentation to reach my objective.

Could someone please advise me on the same like in a detailed manner?



This looks similar to How to create Jira tasks with Grafana alerts - #4 by mertkaant

i am able to create tickets in jira when grafana alerts. But in service now not works.
i follow below instructions but never works. Kindly help if anyone done this integration.

@rajeshchella2887 @anuragpuri

Have either of you tried regular webhooks? I saw this (somewhat old) article: How to Integrate Webhooks Into ServiceNow - ServiceNow Community